
During my tour I will meet the following people for an interview 🎙️. (Unfortunately, not all of the meeetings can be made in person, so some interviews will be via Skype or phone).

  1. Aline Zaugg, Digital Data Managerin, Genossenschaft Migros Aare
  2. Claude Amiguet, COO, Swiss Pain Institute
  3. Pierre Alain Schnegg, Director of Health, Social Affairs and Integration Canton Berne
  4. Jonathan Meier, CEO, healthinal GmbH
  5. Jonathan Drewlow, Medical computer scientist, Spital Thurgau AG
  6. Faton Shabanaj, Senior project manager, Kantonsspital Baselland


And this is the route to visit the interview partners. My goal is to start at 6:00 a.m. every day and to cover 200 kilometers during the day.

  • Each stage will last one day, starting on the 13th of July 2020.
  • The following symbol on the map represent the interviews conducted during the respective stage: 🎙️ (The order of the interviews might still change).