The mission

Often, when I am asked what I study, the question comes up: What is medical informatics? To answer and clarify this question I have created the “Tour de Medizininformatik”.

With this project I would like to:

YouTube Playlist of daily updates

In the playlist there is a video with the highlights for each of the five days:

The project

From 13 – 17 July 2020 I drove 1000 km through Switzerland and do interviews with alumni of the medical informatics study course of the BFH, a project partner of a semester project and a health director. On the page Route & Interviews you can see the planned route and the interviews.
Click here for the blog, where I post regular updates and here for the sponsorship page if you want to support this project.

Are you curious to see how the project is progressing? Then subscribe to the newsletter (the e-mail addresses will be deleted after the project):